So Your Website Looks Bad on Mobiles?
Time to Fix It!
Lots of B&B websites look great and are mobile friendly. It is so important in this business. For potential and existing customers. think even of an existing customer trying to find your B&B and they are traveling along in a car and your website isn’t mobile friendly it would drive them mad. For potential customers, they often do their research from the couch and on their phones, the same logic applies.
The reason so so many B&B websites aren’t mobile friendly is that in the mid to late 1990s B&Bs were one of the first businesses to realise the importance of having a website. There was a literal flood of websites created to solve this problem. In way too many cases they looked terrible. We have seen one particular company who created hundreds of B&B websites and they are all the same template e.g. They all look the same.
Of course when they were created mobile phones were only a twinkle in Steve Jobs eye so it wants worried about.
You the website owner left it be and yes we understand forgot about it.
But your website needs to be mobile friendly and we can help. We take your existing site. Keep it as is and in about a day or twos work to make it easy to read on mobile. Not only does this make your customers happy but Google also now requires your website to be mobile friendly for a better search engine position.
The total price for converting your existing site to a mobile-friendly one is €125 (not inc VAT).[/two_third]
Mobile Friendly Website – Get In Touch