It may come as a surprise to you to know this but your best future customers are the customers that you actually have at the moment. Assuming that they enjoyed their stay and we hope they did, you should use their satisfaction to help you get more bookings.
People who stay in B&Bs usually have conversations with their friends in the weeks that follow their stay along the lines of
We stayed at Hilly Top B&B and it was great. The breakfast was delicious and the views from our room were amazing.
But after a few weeks like anyone, they stop talking about you and if pushed would be hard-pressed even to remember Hilly Top B&B’s name.
So you need to keep your business in their minds. This is where technology is your friend. When you collect their email and get them to like your Facebook page you then have permission to get in contact with them.
You can do both these things easily by asking them when they are staying with you. Some will, some won’t. That’s OK.
Once you have either of these or both then it’s up to you to develop a simple messaging strategy. Messaging strategy may sound like a complex term but it isn’t.
Regular Facebook updates on what is happening in the B&B. Nice photos. News on activities in the nearby area. Special offers if you do them (it isn’t essential). As they Liked your business they will see this information on their Facebook stream. Will this trigger them to book with you or recommend you?
Of course not but it might and will at least remind them of the nice stay they had with you. Then when they potentially have a holiday or short break conversation they might mention your business.
All of the above is very simple, doesn’t take a lot of effort on your part but yields you benefits.
Photo by on Unsplash